Saturday 27 May 2017

Caught by Mom

Perhaps it was that my hormones were starting to come to life or the clothing I was now wearing had struck a chord with me but now in addition to feeling more comfortable as a sissy I was almost always in a constant state of arousal. As soon as the soft touch of satin panties or other clothing touched me especially my penis I immediately became aroused. My greatest fear was my mother discovering me erect or worse masturbating which I did often. I would tell my mom I loved my new room so much I wanted to spend more time there when in actual fact what I wanted was to play with myself.

Weekdays after school and in the evenings were always filled with dance lessons either ballet, square dance or Appalachian clogging. I really loved the square dancing and Appalachian clogging because it was fun, the dresses were frilly and most importantly the girls were very friendly. Here's a video clip  of the clogging style and dresses:
 My days were so busy either I had to immediately do my homework followed by dance or vice versa. Thankfully mom took me to lessons almost 50 km from home to avoid attending classes with girls from my school it meant that lots of time driving. As soon as I got into my tights and leotard I would get aroused which was embarrassing thankfully the initial arousal subsided.

It was later in the evening, during bedtime and on weekends when I would have plenty of opportunity to play with myself and could cum to my heart’s desire in my diapers without detection. What I discovered very quickly was that wearing diapers and plastic pants gave me the greatest arousal and if they were wet it was even better. By now I was no longer occasionally wetting by accident instead if I woke up in the middle of the need with the urge to pee I would purposely soak my diapers then savor the feeling by rubbing my penis through the plastic pants and cloth diapers until I fell back asleep.

Every  morning  I would slide my pillow down and lay on it facedown and rub myself and “hump” against it until I would cum again into my diapers. My self-gratification didn’t go unnoticed though because I had not noticed that my enthusiastic masturbation and humping caused the plastic sheet on the mattress to make a loud swishing sound and the bedframe has pushed against the wall and was now banging against the wall.

One Sunday morning my newly discovered fun was exposed much to my horror and humiliation. I was humping away when suddenly my mom shrieked,

            “What on earth are you doing?”

I looked up and standing in the doorway with her hands on her hips was my mother. In her right hand she held her favorite spanking implement the dreaded wooden spoon. She marched in grabbed me by the arm and pulled me up to my feet. It was summer and I was wearing a cotton baby doll nightie and the cotton briefs that were covering my plastic baby pants were down around my ankles causing me to lose my balance and fall to the floor.

Mom was angry and screamed at me,

“You little sinner you know from church that masturbation is a very serious sin! You will be going to confession this morning and I’m sure the penance Father Nicholas will give you will be nothing compared to mine.”

My mom was a devoted Catholic and required me to attend church with her every Sunday and now I would have to face the humiliation of telling Father Nicolas about my masturbating. Mom gave my arm a jerk and within a few seconds she had me over her knee and had my diapers pulled down. Mom believes in spanking but thankfully they are short but painful. She gave me 5 or 6 sharp smacks with the wooden spoon which made me yelp in pain and rub my bare bum.

“Get showered  and I will have your clothes ready for church after confession we are going to have a little chat”.

Confessing to masturbating was the most embarrassing thing I had ever done, mom was clearly angry after church and she did not stop to chat with her friends while I had to stand beside her and listen to church lady chatter. No sooner did we exit the church did she take me by the elbow and march me straight to the car. We weren’t even out of the parking lot before she began lecturing me how disappointed she was in me and how she was mortified that she had raised what she called a “sex fiend”. Thankfully the drive home was less than 15 minutes but she ranted the entire time and grew more angry by the minute.

Once inside the house she gave me a swat on the bum and told me to go to her room and wait for her. When she arrived she was decidedly calmer and she asked me why I masturbated. At first I just shrugged but she pressed me for an explanation over and over until I was in tears and blurted out,

            “I like the feeling of wearing diapers and it makes me feel good.”

This started her on a lecture about giving into desires for enjoyment even though they are evil which went on and on. She then informed me that I was not in diapers to give me enjoyment but because I could not keep my bed dry. She informed me that she would make sure I did not enjoy wearing diapers as much from now on. I would find out later that day what she meant by that remark.

My mom punished me by making me write a passage of scripture 1000 times that dealt with the evils of masturbation. To this day I still remember it:

Corinthians 6:18 “Flee from sexual immorality. All other sins a man commits are outside his body, but he who sins sexually sins against his own body.”

I spent my entire Sunday writing this short piece of scripture, by dinner time I had only done it a few hundred times. I was required to write my lines after school once my homework and dance classes were completed. It took days and when she reviewed my penmanship once I was finished any lines that were too messy had to be repeated.


  1. Miss Penelope (I love that you are a Miss- I am too!),

    What an amazing blog. Unfortunately, I just wrote a long comment that was lost in the Internet ether. I will try again.

    Your experiences being feminized and turned into a little girl are so wonderful. I am just sorry that your mother didn't appreciate that little girls (and little boys) all masturbate and didn't allow that to reinforce your blossoming femininity.

    I so wanted to be feminized growing up but with my dad and younger brother that simply wasn't feasible. I even resisted dressing as a girl for Halloween. I knew if I did, everyone would know how much I loved it.

    I well understand your masturbation experiences. Mine were similar except I was always lying down and like you, never touching myself directly. On rare occasions, I had the benefit of my mom's slips and nighties. Most of the time I was in boy things but imagining! My tartan robe became my short pleated girls' kilt.

    I aways imagined I was being feminized (and still do, to this day), in petticoats, panties and party dresses and my hair being permed. The mere thought excited me to no end!

    Would the mom next door decide I should be her 4th daughter? I could only dream!

    Please continue your growing up story when you can!

    In petticoats and permed curls
    Miss Kimmi (Miss Krissi to you!)

  2. Penelope, Your Pinterest account is gone.

    You can reach me at

    Miss Krissi

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Thank you so much for your comment it is so greatly appreciated. I will respond to your comment as soon as I am able.