Sunday 30 July 2017

Lesson Learned

For the next week if I was not at school, doing chores, studying or attending dance classes I was writing  the scripture over and over. Each evening my mom reviewed my work and  in the morning the pages were on the breakfast table with the total of passages she accepted as being properly spelled and neat enough.

I whined and complained which she ignored initially but by the end of the week I went to far and earned my first ever mouth washing with soap an experience I will never forget.

Saturday began like every other with the morning spent at square dance/clogging lessons which I loved. It was primarily girls who were all very nice, my long blond hair which my mom always styled in a girlish fashion, my thin features and soft voice and she demeanor did not hide the fact that I was actually a boy they accepted me and did treat me like one of the girls. I will save these details for an upcoming blog post.

I had a particular love of the square dance dresses and skirts we wore with big puffy crinolines and especially the rhumba pants we wore under it all. My mom had many different styles and colors for me and my favorite were definitely the style with the longer leg. To top it off the Mary Jane style shoes made me feel even more girlish. While the other girls generally did not wear pantyhose during practice my mom always insisted I did because she told me it looked more feminine.

When we returned home from class that day mom immediately came into my room carrying a large bag of disposable diapers and began placing them into the same dresser drawer that held the cloth diapers. I asked why she had disposables and with an angry voice which caught me by surprise she said,

“Because I you I really don’t feel like washing dirty cloth diapers until I find a diaper service who supplies adult cloth diapers.”

            “What!”, I screamed

This was the first time I saw her so angry, she turned around holding a disposable diaper I none hand and plastic pants in the other,

“I will not put up with your masturbation, I know you have still been sinning this week even after confession therefore my solution will be simple. Diapers give you joy therefore the solution is to make them a little less comfortable and fun. From now on bathroom privileges have been suspended except for bathing and brushing your teeth.”

I screamed at her,

            “You can’t be serious there is no way I’m going to shit my pants.”

Swearing was another sin in her eyes and without a word she gave me a hard slap across the face. The shock was worse than the pain and in the next instant she took me by the arm with the other she pulled down the rhumba pants, pantyhose and cotton panties and whacked my bare bottom 3 or 4 times.

            “You’ll be going to confession again young man.”

Once the disposable diaper was taped on she pinned on a thinner cloth diaper over top followed by a pair of white plastic pants. As she left my room she told me to put on my proper blue dress shorts proper shorts and a white short sleeved dress shirt because we had errands to run and the church for her Catholic Women’s League meeting.

A few hours of tagging along with my mother dropping off dry cleaning, going to clothing stores, a quick lunch at White Spot and the big weekly grocery shopping at the then Woodward’s Food Floor and the disposable diaper was becoming more and more uncomfortable. The paper liner was sticking to my skin which was damp with perspiration and I was becoming very aware that people were noticing the loud swishing sound of the plastic pants and plastic covering on the disposable.

Mom ignored my pleas to go home and by the time we were standing in line at the checkout I soaked my diaper. Mom noticed and quietly whispered,

            “Do you feel better now?”

I just nodded and looked at my feet.

We dropped the groceries off at home before heading to church mom checked my diaper and apologized that she did not have to change me before her meeting. We arrived while confession was still going on and I sat in the pews nervously waiting for my turn. I confessed to swearing at my mother and the priest asked me why I swore. I lied to him because I certainly was not going to tell him the truth. I did my penance and waited in the back pew for my mom to finish her meeting.

As it neared 5pm my stomach began to slip and turn which for me were the signs of a bowel movement. For 15 minutes everything was fine but the urge was getting stronger and to make matters worse it felt like diarrhea. Mom was still in the basement meeting room when it struck me that I could go to the washroom remove the diaper do my business and she would not be the wiser.

I had just started to go towards the hallway where the bathrooms were when I heard my mom’s stern voice.

            “Where do you think you are going?”

I told her to get a drink but from the stressed look on my face and my near run she doubted me.

            “Do you have to make a “stinky” sweetie?”

All I could muster was a weak,

            “Please mom I really need to go.”

            “Okay Stevie let’s take you home then.”

I made a dash for the car but she took her time and even stopped to chat with a few ladies outside the main doors. The drive home was only a few minutes but she hit every light and then to she drove right past our street.

I screamed,

            “Where are you going?”

“I’ve decided I’d like some wine with dinner tonight so we are going to the liquor store near the mall and while we are there let’s go to the bakery and get a nice cake for dessert.”

No amount of pleading would change her mind and I was now squirming in my seat. I actually began to cry as she pulled into the parking lot but she ignored me. It was a busy Saturday afternoon and we parked a long distance from the liquor store. She took me by the hand as we walked between the cars and whispered to me,

            “Have you learned your lesson about masturbating in your diapers?”

I nodded  but she just kept on walking briskly. I felt my stomach turn again and I stopped in my tracks I let out a cry, squatted slightly and my bowels emptied in my diaper. Mom could hear the farts and I began to cry.

            Without a word she took me back to the car retrieved a large changing pad and placed it on the passenger seat in case I leaked and told me to sit down. The feeling was horrible as my weight squished the poop over my bum. The smell was horrible but mom said nothing as we drove home and she pulled into the garage.

“Let’s get you into the tub and all cleaned up. Don’t worry you’ll eventually get used to it if you continue to defy the Lord and my rules about no masturbating”